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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

CBC President speaks on why the C-Murder visit means so much to him

"A great deal has happened in the eight months since I was first introduced to Corey Miller aka C-Murder. His book has changed my perception of life in ways that I couldn't have imagined---and now that I have come to know the man, it means all that much more.

"In September 2007 I made the decision to announce that Miller's book DEATH AROUND THE CORNER was Conversations Book Club's "Book of the Year". I wanted everyone to know how much I esteemed the message as well as take the time to experience the journey that the book takes you on.

"Having the privilege to read the book is one thing, but for the state of Mississippi to be only the second place EVER to host the author since the book's release is priceless. I just want us all to take moment and consider this: Corey Miller is a platinum-selling recording artist--- and of ALL PLACES he is coming here to meet his fans.

"There is not one person who can deny the power of that, but I want to be clear about something: This is not a "Cyrus thang". It is definitely about US, and what can happen when we work together.

"That is what Conversations Book Club is all about: bringing people together. No matter what branch you choose to support---regardless of what book is being the topic for the hour---they all share that common objective.

"As long as we keep our eyes on that and not ourselves there is no way we can't succeed at everything we put our minds to."

--- Cyrus A. Webb, President of Conversations Book Club

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